Outer Wilds Mods
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334 results
Quantum Space Buddies
Quantum Space Buddies ( QSB ) is a multiplayer mod for Outer Wilds.
Outer Wilds VR Mod with 6DOF tracking and full motion control support
Voice Acting Mod
The mod's finished! All characters are fully voiced and every file has been tuned for better quality and effects. Enjoy!
Vanilla Fix
Fixes some vanilla bugs in Outer Wilds
The Outsider
A quite large story and puzzle mod that takes place on Dark Bramble.
The Vision
This mod continues the story from both base game and Echoes of the Eye DLC. Translations: EN, RU, PT, FR, ZH, JA, DE, ES, IT, KO
Astral Codec
A fan-made expansion exploring the origin of The Interloper (EN,JP,CN,RU,FR,KO). @;{&< ?/ })& ?]["[/;| *?/*&+} (?] &?}&
Cheats Mod
Togglable features and teleportation. Fork of Pacific Engine's Cheats Mod but without Common Resources as a dependency.
The Stranger They Are
A somewhat large story mod that adds onto the story of Echoes of the Eye.
A clock overlay mod for Outer Wilds, including events
Suit Log
Suit up and view your Ship Log anywhere!
Menu Framework
Menu Framework
Menu manipulation helpers for Outer Wilds, mainly for _nebula's mods.
Skins for QSB
Adds player skins to Quantum Space Buddies
Hearth's Neighbor
Warp to Hearth's Neighbor, a nearby star system with its own secrets hidden within...
Uses HTC's FFR plugin to improve performance in NomaiVR on NVIDIA RTX cards
New Horizons
The story mod creation framework for Outer Wilds.
Forgotten Castaways
A 6-8 hour story mod following 4 Nomai who descend deeper into Dark Bramble.
EotE Brighter Dreams
Outer Wilds mod: gives the player night vision on Echoes of the Eye's dream world.
Light Bramble
Dark Bramble without fish or fog.
Archipelago Randomizer
An Outer Wilds mod for the Archipelago multi-game randomizer system
Real Solar System
Adds our solar system to Outer Wilds (check the ship's log)
Outer Wilds Korean Translation
Outer Wilds Korean Translation
Korean re-translation for Outer Wilds
Step into the hatchling's hiking boots with viewmodel hands, view bobbing, and more!
Ship Enhancements
Adds way too much stuff for the ship in the mod settings.
General Enhancements
Adds a bunch of little things like advanced minimap, visual tweaks, actions, skips, HUD changes, and more. You can toggle things to your liking in the settings.
A mysterious ringed planet has appeared around Giant's Deep... 1st Place Winner of the October 2024 Mod Jam!
Discord Rich Presence
Adds discord rich presence to Outer Wilds
A free-camera mod for Outer Wilds
Archaeologist Achievement Helper
Marks ship log entries that have missing facts required for the Archaeologist achievement as "There's more to explore here.". It also lets you view which facts you haven't revealed!
Displays stock, DLC, and custom mod achievements on a menu screen and shows a popup when you earn one.
Unnamed Mystery
Unnamed Mystery is a fairly large story mod (by NH definition), striving to create an experience with similar impact to the base game. Available in English, French, and Simplified Chinese.
Time Saver
Time Saver
A mod that skips various lengthy and repetetive sequences in Outer Wilds
Hearth's Neighbor 2: Magistarium
The Magister has called you to his station...
Turns the scout's screenshot feature into a live video!
Story mod about Dark Bramble lore made for modding jam in july 2023. Translations: EN, RU, JA, FR, ES
QSB Multiple Ships
QSB Multiple Ships
An addon for QSB that makes each player have their own ship.
Visible Stranger
Decloaks the Stranger in Echoes of the Eye.
Global SSR
Enables Screen-Space Reflections across the entire game, not just DLC locations.
Peaceful Ghosts
Peaceful Ghosts
OuterWilds mod that makes Stranger inhabitants more peaceful
Hug Mod
Adds a hug mechanic to the game
Third Person Camera
A third-person camera for Outer Wilds.
Hiker's Mod
Hiker's Mod
Sprinting, instant jumping, customizable player stats, and other movement features.
Medley of Planets
Adds a medley of planets and moons to explore.
Cheat and Debug Menu
Cheat and Debug Menu
Allows using some commands from Debug Mode and adds other functions as well.
But can your ship run DOOM? Yes, yes it can.
Interstellar: Gargantua
Explore the Gargantua system from Interstellar (reupload of Tandicase's mod)
Common Camera Utility
Common utilities for Outer Wilds camera mods
Outer Wilds Chinese Fix
The mod fixes the problem that most of the Chinese-inclusive story mod text is incomplete by replacing the fonts of some interfaces.
Trajectory Prediction
Outer Wilds mod that predicts and visualizes your future trajectory
Ghost Translations
Adds the ability to translate the unknown language.
Suicide Mod
Suicide Mod
[QSB Compatible] Press 'K' on your Keyboard to meet Jesus early. Very helpful for when you get stuck.
Outer Wilds Online
A deprecated Outer Wilds mmo experience, if you probably want QSB instead!
Outer Wilds Music Player
Jam to MP3 files in your ship and suit while exploring the Solar System!
Black Hole Portal Gun
B for Black hole, G for White hole. Use uppercase when changing keybinds.
Enable Meditation
Always be able to meditate to the next loop.
Customizable Anglerfish AI
An Outer Wilds mod which lets you control how anglerfish behave.
A project for the 2022 New Horizons Outer Wilds modding jam
Custom Ship Log Modes
Allows other mods to add their custom Ship Log modes
No Alt Tab Pause
No Alt Tab Pause
Mod for Outer Wilds allowing the game to continue while in background
Secret Settings
Secret Settings
Allows setting the games "secret settings" (ex, showing breath fog on your visor) from the mod options menu.
Band Together
Embark on a quest to restore harmony.
Solar Neighbourhood
Adds in the local group of star systems as seen in the Echoes Of The Eye ending
Reactive Hearthians
Adds new dialogue to most Hearthians.
Better Model Ship
Adds a remote camera to the model ship
Christmas Story
Story mod about Christmas adventures! Translations: EN, ZH, FR, JA, DE, IT, ES, RU, KO
Echo Hike
Find solace in a forgotten cavern, with a device left behind.
Ship Log Slide Reel Player Plus
Play Echoes of the Eye slide reels in your Ship Log computer with an enhanced player!
Makes it daytime in the DLC dream world and lets you enter from any campfire.
Fret's Quest
A short story addon where you help a friend recover something that was stolen from him.
Color Cameras
Upgrades every Hearthian camera with color technology!
An experimental projection pool holds a new mystery to explore. (EN, CN)
Newest Planet in the Outer Wilds Solar System!
Ukrainian localization for Outer Wilds
New Horizons Examples
An example project showing what planets can be made with New Horizons. (Warning: spoilers inside)
Arcanum Adrift
A Nomai wall in the Timber Hearth Observatory speaks of a strange Nomai spacecraft.
Outer Wives
An Outer Wilds Dating Sim. Talk to your favorite character to get started.
Meteor Launching
Allows you to shoot meteors or marshmallows with middle mouse click (or the back button if enabled in the mod settings)
Slows time-based events over 1 hour in the game to give you more time to explore!
Traveler's Pack
Lets you store your items in a backpack for easy transportation. The keybinds can be changed in the mod settings.
A mod for Outer Wilds that stops the end of the loop from happening.
Slate's Shipyard
Allows creation and spawing of custom ships.
Outer Wilds Escape Room
Can you escape the mysterious alien space station?
Save Editor
Save Editor
A mod that allows you to edit your save file in Outer Wilds (spoilers for the base game)
Scout Teleporter
Pure Hearthian technology! Now you can use scout to teleport yourself or climb anywhere with tiny gravity crystall. Press "T" when scout is launched or landed to inverse the warp core power for teleporting yourself.
PacificEngine's Randomizer
Randomizes stuff in outer wilds
Lore Tracker
Outer Wilds mod that keeps track of seen and unseen lore across game sessions, highlighting new content in purple for easy identification.
Every Jam 3 Mod
Mod that enables all Jam 3 Mods at once, for when you're too lazy to manually enable all of them.
Time Dialator
Story mod about a strange solar system with a strange property...
Unity Explorer
Allows you to look at a recreation of the Unity editor during runtime
Solar Rangers
Save the Outer Wilds from the evil Egg Star! Entry for the March 2024 Mod Jam.
Root Access
A dream of ever greater heights.
Alternate Voices
An unofficial addon to the Voice Acting mod that revoices 11 characters. The files are unmixed.
Outer Wilds Traditional Chinese Translation
Camera Shake
This mod adds some camera shakage to various parts of the game.
Story mod about destiny, faith and darkness (made for New Horizons Jam)
Allows you to extinguish the lanterns of the inhabitants in Echoes of the Eye.
ULTIMATE Skin Changer
Lets you change your skin
Implements unused/removed signals and Signalscope frequencies.
Alter Time
Alter Time
Speed up time in Outer Wilds!
Lumina Terra
A beating heart at the end of the universe.
There is more to explore here. A short story mod for Outer Wilds.
Symbiosis Ship Logs
A mod adding ship logs for Symbiosis (https://github.com/CrypticBird/Outer-Wilds-Symbiosis)
Simpler Times
Simpler Times is a mod for Outer Wilds, that fixes up several Nomai structures in the game, and removes some timed elements from the planets, making for a more exploratory/new game plus experience.
NomaiVR Online Patches
NomaiVR Online Patches
Patches to adapt some Outer Wilds Online features to NomaiVR
Bring Me My Ship
Bring Me My Ship
Gently places your ship above your head when you press P
Supernova On Demand
Triggers a supernova when you press "N".
Escape the Dreamstalker
A short spooky mod for Outer Wilds. Translations: EN, RU, ZH
QSB Game Modes
OW Smooth Thrust
OW Smooth Thrust
Outer Wilds Keyboard Smooth Thrust
Crouch Mod
Crouch Mod
Enables crouching in Outer Wilds.
Entry for Outer Wilds 3rd Mod Jam: Is it a sin to break the cycle of death and rebirth?
The Machine
A story mod for Outer Wilds set in a new solar system.
Axiom's Refuge
Adds a planet and moon named Axiom and Aicale. My mod entry for the 3rd Outer Wilds Jam.
Callis's Thesis
A small mod for the 3rd Outer Wilds mod jam (March 2024). Adds a planet and a short quest for a forgetful Nomai.
Toggle Velocity Matching
Allows you to constantly stay at the same relative velocity to an object
Vesper's Assorted OuterWilds Shaders
A mod containing all of the shaders I've created for Outer Wilds!
Warp To Vessel
Lore-friendly mod that lets you warp to vessel. To get started, talk to Gabbro after learning all the facts needed to get to The Eye.
Astroneer Solar System
Adds the solar system from Astroneer (check SHIP LOG)
TARDIS from Doctor Who
The Doctor and their TARDIS visit the Outer Wilds Solar System!
Enter the Warioverse
A whole system of Wario to explore! Can you solve the mystery of the Warioverse? WAH!
Épicas Album
Upload your scout snapshots to an album in your Ship Log computer!
Misfired Jump
Become Slate's test pilot in this story mod created during the 4th modjam!
Pick Up Chert
Outer Wilds mod for picking up Chert!!
21st Century Anglerfish
21st Century Anglerfish
Throwable Items
This item empty! Yeet!
Ship Remote Autopilot
Ship Remote Autopilot
Gives the player the ability to remotely "summon" the player's ship to a selected location. This is "new" technology from The Outer Wilds Ventures and as such- is fairly rudimentary.
Hoarder's Ship
Mod that lets you keep and hoard items in your ship
Outer Thomas Echoes of the Tank Engine
Replaces the ship with Thomas the Tank Engine for some reason. Supports Achievements+!
Jam Hub
Adds a hub for the modding community. Made for the March 2024 mod jam.
Survive the Supernova
Fly around the post-Supernova Solar System.
The Hatchling's Journal
Take your notes in a new Ship Log mode that lets you create and view your own entries
Funny System
Mix of free exploration and story, and may potentially have you laughing your rear off (best used with voice mod). Start the story by exiting the ship and locating the recorder floating on the water.
Ship Ball Pit
Turns your entire ship into a ball pit! Totally not a safety hazard!
Smol Hatchling
A tool for resizing the Player, Anglerfish, Inhabitants, and more in Outer Wilds!
Volumetric Lights
Volumetric Lights
Adds a pretty effect to lights that also kills your computer. Mess around with config to tune it to your liking.
Toggle Hud
Toggle Hud
Adds settings to remove suit HUD, targeting HUD, and reticle.
Trans Rights Mod
Trans Rights Mod
A mod for Outer Wilds that converts the Launch Codes from --|-..|-. to Trans Rights (or Trans Wrongs)
Quality of Life Features
Quality of Life Features
Contextual reticle, disable automatic scout equipping, exit dialogue early, and more. Check out readme on GitHub!
No End
A mod that allows you to play after supernova. See Readme.md for more info
Fast Travel
Enables fast travel between planets using the map while flying the ship.
HD Screenshot
Screenshot mod for Outer Wilds.
Console Cheats
Console Cheats
A port of PacificEngine's Cheats Mod to work with the Developer Console
Czech Localization
Czech Localization
A Czech localization of Outer Wilds
Play as Gabbro
You can now play as Gabbro
Power Failure
With no more solar energy to be harvested the stranger must start powering down some of the less critical systems to extend its operational lifespan...
Expedition Takeoff
Adds an animation to the title screen when starting a game.
Resource Management
A mod that makes the oxygen and fuel in your ship matter.
Ship Light Toggle
Adds light switches to toggle the ship cabin lights on and off.
The Spiral System
Adds a new star system (and small story!) to outer wilds
N Body Chaos
Outer Wilds with chaotic N Body Physics and extra planet interactions. Mix with randomizer for extra chaos.
No Dot Mod
Removes dot in center
Why did our sun survive until the final day of the universe? Entry for Jam 4
Secret Words
A mod that creates 5 custom planets on Outer Wilds. Each of them hides a secret code. Gather them and make your name appear on the mod!
Less Lonely Ship
Majora's Mask's Moon
Replaces the sun with the moon from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Upsilon Andromedae
An exaggerated recreation of the Upsilon Andromedae star system.
No Supernova
No Supernova
A mod for outer wilds
Half-Life Overhaul
Replaces visuals and sound to that of Half-life 1! Why? It's cool!
Tesseract's Secret
A short story mod for an Outer Wilds modding jam. Check your ship logs to start!
The Survivors
A short story mod for Outer Wilds.
Outer Wario Echoes of the Waaaaaaaaaaah
Oh my god! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (Lets you play as Wario)
Visit the minds of others in the hopes of getting them to evacuate from their imminent doom.
Super Wild Galaxy
Adds the Comet Observatory from Super Mario Galaxy.
a mod to assist with learning Outer Wilds speedruns
Outer Wilds Kazoo
A mod that replaces all of the music with handcrafted kazoo counterparts. Special thanks to Vio for basically teaching me C#
A jam mod made for the 2024 Fall jam. There are only 5 ship log entries and not a lot to do. Has minor DLC spoilers
Mod Jam 3
The base solar system for the 3rd Outer Wilds mod jam. Install jam entries separately to play!
Hatchling Outfitter
Customize the player model by adding/removing pieces of the space suit
I Don't Like Sand
I Don't Like Sand
Removes the sand from Ash Twin and Ember Twin.
Lonesome Lake
A very short story mod made for the October 2024 Outer Wilds Mod Jam.
Sliding In Ship Fix
Sliding In Ship Fix
A mod that adds a new star system. Warning! Lots of food!
Chargeable Scout Launcher
Makes it so that the scout launcher can be charged for a farther launch.
Green Jetpack
Stranger Spin Gravity
Replaces the Stranger's gravity fields with spin gravity.
Prop Placer
Prop Placer
Adds an in-game menu for placing props in Outer Wilds via New Horizons
Granite's Invitation
Visit Granite at their dusty cabin on Gravelrock for their birthday party.
An Outer Wilds mod for New Horizons' first jam.
Slate Simulator
Play as everyone's favorite character!
Quantum Moon Orbit Line
Adds an orbit line to the Quantum Moon on the map.
Ghost Matter Nerf
A mod that makes you invulnerable to Ghost Matter.
Mod that does Nothing
Mod that does Nothing
What do you mean, "weird"? The game was always like this, I swear!
Sand Control
Sand Control
Allows the player to set the sand levels on the Hourglass Twins and toggle the funnel.
Nomai Scavenger Hunt
Hornfels discovered a curious riddle, what could it mean?
PacificEngine's Common Resources
PacificEngine's Common Resources
A Collection of Common Resource to use throughout downstream mods
Incursion: Final Dawn
The Incursion Is Upon Us by Erroneous
Cloudless Quantum Moons
Adds the 6 quantum moon states without any clouds.
Static Camera
Place a camera where you're standing then walk around in front of it.
Carson System
A low-mass star nicknamed "Carson", 2.4 light-years away from the Sun.
A new planet appears in the Solar System near Brittle Hollow for you to explore!
Galaxy Skybox: NGC 1087
Places the Hearthian system in a peaceful galaxy.
Proud Hearthians
A mod that adds some extra pride to the game!
Woah Watch Those Frames
Woah Watch Those Frames
Limits game FPS to 30 when in pause menu
Outer Wilds provides a realistic simulation of life in outer space.
Silly Filters
An Outer Wilds mod that adds silly filters/overlays to scout images.
Moar Marshmallows
Customise your marshmallow "cooking" experience a smidge more.
Adds a ship simmilar to the one on the alpha mod Navinha
Stranger Night Cycle
Adds a Day/Night cycle to the stranger.
Sad Supernova Music
Replaces supernova music with the sad one.
Pride Lantern
Pride Lantern
Make a certain artifact in Outer Wilds glow rainbow
Freedom Units
Displays distances and speeds using Imperial units instead of metric units.
Cut Achievements
Cut Achievements
Adds some cut achievements back into Outer Wilds.
The Quasar Project
A short summer jam entry.
Inhabitant Chess
Adds a playable board game to the end of the Outer Wilds DLC
Funny Noises
Funny Noises
Ernesto Chase
Dark Bramble's newest Time Assassin, Ernesto, has been tasked with hunting you down. How long will you survive?
A depiction of the TRAPPIST-1 system, a collection of seven terrestrial planets hugging close to a small ultracool red dwarf star.
Sun Station Ascension
Raises the Sun Station to a higher orbit to survive the red giant phase.
No Dam Break
The dam on the stranger will no longer break!!
Dancin' Wilds Ventures
Dancin' Wilds Ventures
Adds a mysterious groovy signal to the Deep Space Radio frequency.
Controllable Stranger
Controllable Stranger
A mod that allows you to trigger the events of certain spaceship
Europe Times
Replaces end times with The Final Countdown by Europe
Ship Self Destruct Button
Ship Self Destruct Button
(VERY INCOMPLETE) A strange planetoid is entering the Outer Wilds system, what secrets might it hold?
Single Brain Cell Mod
Single Brain Cell Mod
Enables the making of some monumentally stupid decisions
Debug Eye Helper
Adds pause menu options to instantly go to and from the Eye of the Universe. Useful if you're making a mod set at the Eye.
Retro Health Display
Reactivates the old 2016 health display on the player's HUD
Cruncy Marshmallows
You will be punished for eating well done marshmallows.
Auto Resume
Auto Resume
On start-up the game automatically resumes and wakes the player up (Reupload of Rai's mod)
Clear Glass
Makes some glass in the game clear
Glowstick Bracelets
Make Glowstick Bracelets
The Box
Escape the box! Joke entry for the Outer Wilds 4th Mod Jam.
Sorriso Ronaldo
Sorriso Ronaldo
Replaces the flashback sound with "SORRISO RONALDO" (Brazilian Meme).
Difficulty Mod
Difficulty Mod
Allow players to change game difficulty settings
Celestial Orrery
A Mod for Outer Wilds that projects the orrery in the observatory onto the actual star system, making navigation easier (and more... magical).
Celeste Wilds
A mod which adds Celeste movement features to Outer Wilds
Open Doors
Open any closed door or pathway in the Outer Wilds using this Mod!
Artifact Laser
Allows you to get revenge by making a certain item into a deadly laser.
Changed Twins
The sand goes to ember twin and back! (Idea from Inkey boi AKA InkI
How Did This Happen?
There appears to be a new problem in the solar system. What is even going on? Either a very small story mod, or a small, weird mod with a bit of story added.
i let the voices on the discord server make bad ideas for planets
A solar system made with love, from the heads of the folks over on the Modding Discord server.
AUGH Jetpack Boost
AUGH Jetpack Boost
Outer Wilds mod that replaces the Jetpack boost sound with the AUGH snoring sound
An Outer Wilds mod that brings back the Debug HUD disabled by the devs before publishing the game
Hearthian Golf The Front Nine
Outer Wilds mod where you hit the green.
A few silly planets
Their Homeworld
Their Homeworld
a solar system made with new horizons, will probably be updated
Developer Console
A general purpose developer console
Cloudless Giant's Deep
Removes the clouds from Giant's Deep
The Final Shortcut
The Final Shortcut
Adds a shortcut to an important location which many mods use, hidden somewhere in the village.
"a dream of home" but I remade it really, really badly
Outer Pictures
An Outer Wilds mod to print your pictures from the probe camera to your computer
An Outer Wilds mod that adjusts Hollow's Lantern's meteors. (Reupload of Trainzack's mod)
Enhance Divergence Mod
Enhance Divergence Mod
enhance appearance of Divergence mod (it is originally introduced but removed now, so this addon revives it)
Title Screen Bug Fix
Fixes a bug on the title screen which caused the game's logo to be displayed incorrectly.
Speed Modifier/Walk Button on KBM
Change the movement speed of your Hearthian using the keyboard+mouse input. Works when walking and flying. To use, press the default key: V
Trunic Localization
This mod transcribes the entierty of Outer Wilds into the language found in TUNIC (aka Trunic)! If you ever wanted to play Outer Wilds in a way thats alteast 100% more annoying then this is your mod!
Echoes of the Caribbean
Replaces a key bit of music in EotE with something more zesty. Includes Daft Punk light show mode!
Broken Balance
Broken Balance
An Outer Wilds story mod
Outer Relics
A mod for Outer Wilds that adds various Nomai Keys to the world which must be collected before the game can be completed.
Persistant Marshmallow
Persistant Marshmallow
Makes the Marshmallow's in Outer Wilds never despawn
Ernesto Takeover
Ernesto is Everywhere (Do NOT use with any mods that modify base game planets)
Big Heads
Gives everyone big heads.
Permadeath Mode
The ship log is reset if you die to something other than the supernova. Try to completely fill the ship log without dying!
Car Example
An example mod of creating vehicles with wheels with Slate's Shipyard
Outer Wilds Flyover
Recreation of the Island Flyover game from Wii Sports Resort in Outer Wilds
Backer's satellite signal
A mod that adds signal to the backer's satellite
Vanilla Main Menu
Vanilla Main Menu
Removes the Echoes of the Eye subtitle and restores the main menu to its pre-1.0.8 glory.
9 Year Old System
9 Year Old System
someone named Sam Lastname in the ow discord has a daughter and she made her own outer wilds system so here i am
No Sun
Removes the sun. No longer messes up the orbits with the removeChildren:[""] patch
Hazy Dreams
Hazy Dreams
A mod that adds fog to the dreamworld.
Espied Serenity
Shared Ship Log
Mod to automatically export your Outer Wilds ship log for online viewing
Esker Ice Cream
Esker Ice Cream
Add LIV Support
Adds LIV to Outer Wilds, allowing for mixed reality capture or avatars in third person. Check the readme for instructions.
Block Placing
Place Minecraft blocks with left click, destroy them with alt-click, and switch blocks with T (See README for VR controls)
March of gears
March of gears
Who says orbits have to make sense?
Timber Twin
global warming is real and i caused it
The Wilds: Extended
Silly NH Addon to add content to the current base game (made with love and care by me and #nh-addon-discussion) (xen carried)
Kerbal Space Ventures
Kerbal Space Ventures
Addon for shipyard which reads .craft KSP files into the game Outer Wilds
BlackHole Sun
Makes the sun a blackhole
Smallest System in the Galaxy
The smallest galaxy in the universe!
Celestial Leeway
Short and simple first attempt at a New Horizons planet mod! Includes the first tidbit of lore towards a story I will be unravelling through my next mods.
Empty Hollow
Moves all of Brittle Hollow's crust to the white hole.
Sleep Mod
A mod that allows you to press "U" to meditate without needing to talk to Gabbro twice
Hatchling Icarus
Gives the player a toggleable personal gravity.
Nomai Grand Prix
random shipless speedrun generator for Outer Wilds
Tripping and Clumsiness
Tripping and Clumsiness
Ever wanted the KSP system in Outer Wilds? Well, now it exists!
OW Ventures Scavenger Hunt
Can you solve the first Outer Wilds Ventures Onboarding Scavenger Hunt?
KSP: Outer Planets Mod
Is the original solar system not enough? Well, here's KSP's Outer Planets Mod, squished down into an OW-sized system.
Ernesto's Fun Day Off!
2023 Mod Jam Participant. Can you find and escape Ernesto's FUN Dungeon? Made in only 2 days.
Daylight Savings
A mod made for the New Horizons jam
Slip 'N Slide
Makes everything very slippery. Also adds a bunch of silly sounds and songs.
Smarter Ghosts
Smarter Ghosts
Changes to the Ghost AI that make them harder to avoid
Bhaptics Outer Wilds
Bhaptics Outer Wilds
Bhaptics integration for outer wilds
Outer Adventure 2
Outer Adventure 2
Replaces Final Voyager/Final End Times with Live & Learn by Crush 40 (also replaces the intro of Final Voyage/Final End Times with Supporting Me)
Almond System
Adds a almond system to the game
Vengeful Cannon
Vengeful Cannon
You shouldn't have angered that cannon...
Funny Christmas
Funny Christmas
What exactly is Christmas, and where did Snata Claus go? (note: takes place in the TT Twins system)
Deepian Moon
Deepian Moon
A small, volcanic moon orbiting Giant's Deep.
Invert Look Controls
Invert Look Controls
Inverts Look inputs (right-stick) on both axes
Real Solar System - Outer Relics Support and Examples
Real Solar System - Outer Relics Support and Examples
Adds Outer Relics support for Real Solar System, and contains examples for creating your own Outer Relics addons
Input Demo Recorder
Clues for The Obtuse
Mod that adds clues to improve obscure puzzles in the basegame and DLC
Outer Scout
A cinematic toolbox for Outer Wilds & Blender
No Achievements
A mod that stops you from earning achievements. For the people who don't want achievements while modding.
Quantum Moon Equator Orbit
Quantum Moon Equator Orbit
Makes the Quantum Moon only orbit along the equator of each planet
Line Numbers
Line Numbers
Adds line numbers to stack traces for mods with a portable pdb file.
Language Swap
Language Swap
An Outer Wilds mod to switch the current language in-game by pressing Ctrl+L
A port of https://github.com/xiaoxiao921/FixPluginTypesSerialization for Outer Wilds. Linux users: read the README
Collider Visualizer
Allows the visualization of diferent colliders and shapes
Wacky Rotations
Allows the player to mess with the rotation settings on planets. Inspired by the randomizer mod.
360 Camera
Allows the user to take 360 degree screenshots and videos
Fact Log
Displays a list of all facts (exploration information and rumors) that you have encountered in your current playthrough, and in the order you encountered them.
Sound Test
Sound Test
Lets you play any sound in the game from the menu
Solar Systems I Made as a Kid
This is just a bundle of, well, look at the title.
Dream World Modding and Debug Assist
Dream World Modding and Debug Assist
Easy Dream World access and triggering of events
Involuntary Blink
Involuntary Blink
Blink randomly every 2-7 seconds. Quantum Moon is now impossible to get into.
(Razer/SteelSeries) RGB Integration
Adds effects to supported SteelSeries keyboards + mice
Green Screen
Allows placing a green screen for pictures and video
Mod Data Tools
A utility mod and editor tools that provide a framework for New Horizons mod authors to manage their mod data.
Break On Demand
Break On Demand
Meet your terrible fate with the simple press of 2 buttons
Screenshot Tool
Screenshot Tool
An Outer Wilds mod for taking New Horizons-ready ship log and slide reel screenshots.
Axis Consolidator
Axis Consolidator
Outer Wilds mod to align jetpack flight vertical look direction to either player or ship setting
Interplanetary Polyglot
Interplanetary Polyglot
A utility for creating translation mods for Outer Wilds with minimal code
Arkose bug fix
A mod that fix the bug that allows Arkose to exist
Heavy Sleeper
Heavy Sleeper
Quiet Echoes
Quiet Echoes
Don't worry about whether it's "too soon" to start the DLC anymore. (A small tweak)
Podracing Tracker
A tracker for the podracing game in Outer Wilds
The mod loader and mod framework for Outer Wilds
Slate's Shipyard for Outer Wilds Online
Slate's Shipyard for Outer Wilds Online
This is a Shipyard and OWO addon which makes both compatible
Only Timber Hearth
Only Timber Hearth
A mod that removes all planets except Timber Heath. Yay, no Dark Bramble!
Ordered Orbits
Orders most orbits by size, excluding a few bodies
Primitive Launching
An example outer wilds mods that was made to show what you can do with the meteor launching mod API. Launch spheres, cubes, and more.
Alpha Title Screen
Changes the title logo to the alpha logo, and replaces the planet on the title screen with the one from the alpha version of Outer Wilds.
Nomai Text Printer
Nomai Text Printer
Utility mod that prints info about Nomai wall text.
Outer Wilds en Andalûh
Outer Wilds en Andalûh
Tradûççión de Outer Wilds en andalûh
Warp Window & VanishVolume Tweaks
Warp Window & VanishVolume Tweaks
Toggle smaller stars, tweak warp pad windows, and decree whether planets can be slurped up by VanishVolumes.
Gizmos Library
Gizmos Library
A library to help drawing gizmos on Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds Basque Translation
Outer Wilds Basque Translation
Translation of Outer Wilds to Basque
Photosensitivity Fixes
Lessens flashing lights during the end of the game. WARNING: This mod has not been checked by an official tool. Play with caution.
Icelandic Localization
Localizing Outer Wilds (Fjarlæg Firnindi) into Icelandic
Ship Alarm
Plays new alarms in your ship to enhance your flying experience
This page isn't official, nor affiliated with Mobius Digital, or anyone really.