Unnamed Mystery

Unnamed Mystery is a fairly large story mod (by NH definition), striving to create an experience with similar impact to the base game. Available in English, French, and Simplified Chinese.


Unnamed Mystery is a fairly large story mod (by New Horizons definition) that guides exigency to reality, and attempts to create an experience with similar feelings to the base game. Available in English, French, and Simplified Chinese.


Map of the solar system (Outdated!) <img width="580" alt="aetherion" src="https://github.com/RealOrbital32/Unnamed-Mystery/assets/87882655/9c556e75-fb1f-4575-8eca-cccd80816211"> Thalassia's Ruins <img width="1280" alt="thalassia" src="https://github.com/RealOrbital32/Unnamed-Mystery/assets/87882655/b7587012-d169-40bb-ac1e-494b6340f451"> Sunset on Zephyria <img width="1280" alt="zephyria" src="https://github.com/RealOrbital32/Unnamed-Mystery/assets/87882655/6a1f880e-6b0c-4927-8e54-80e9c44465bf"> A View From Metallos <img width="1280" alt="metallos" src="https://github.com/RealOrbital32/Unnamed-Mystery/assets/87882655/43642da8-6b6c-453c-862e-881288d13f45">


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