Ship Enhancements banner Ship Enhancements adds way too many options for changing the ship and things relating to the ship. Experiment and have fun!

Feature Overview

Disable Ship Parts

Permanently remove useless or very important parts of the ship.

  • Gravity Crystal: Turns your ship into a Zero-G environment.
  • Headlights: Disables your ship's headlights and landing camera light. You may need to rely on your scout for light.
  • Landing Camera: Good luck.
  • Eject Button: Intended for multiplayer, which this mod does not currently have support for.
  • Interior/Exterior Lights: Basically enables dark mode.
  • Oxygen: Literally removes all of the oxygen in the ship unless you're near trees or in an oxygen-filled atmosphere. This takes priority over all of the other oxygen modifications.
  • Ship Scout Recall: Removes your ability to recall the scout from the ship. You'll have to get up and do it yourself.
  • Ship Scout Launching: Removes your ability to launch the scout from the ship. You'll have to do this yourself outside of the ship.
  • Ship Repair: Be careful not to damage your ship.
  • Damage Indicators: Turns off all of those pesky notifications about parts of your ship being damaged, including the master alarm. Keep an eye or four on the reactor, please.
  • Seatbelt: Breaks a number of state laws by removing your seatbelt. If you crash into something too quickly you'll fly out of the chair.
  • Air/Water Auto Roll: Lets you fly around upside down in air and water, which is really confusing when paired with no ship gravity. Also makes it easier to land on walls, if you wanted to do that.
  • Disable Rotation Speed Limit: Lets you spin your ship as quickly as you want, though spinning too fast may tear your ship apart. Enabling this may quickly lead to motion sickness.
  • Ship Friction: Essentially makes your ship a block of ice that will slide anywhere on anything.
  • Lock-on: Removes your ability to lock on to objects. You may find it difficult to use autopilot with this enabled.
  • Map markers: Hides the markers that tell you the location of your ship, your scout, and any marked ship log locations. Ship log locations inside a certain strange place are left visible so that you can actually find it. Visible until you get there, that is.

Adjust Ship Functions

Change some of the values that control how the ship works or how the added features work.

  • Oxygen Drain Multiplier: Larger numbers make your ship's oxygen drain faster. Set it to something like 100 for it to completely drain after being in the ship for half the loop or so.
  • Fuel Drain Multiplier: Larger numbers make your ship's fuel drain faster.
  • Oxygen Tank Drain Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the amount of oxygen that drains when the ship's oxygen tank is damaged.
  • Fuel Tank Drain Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the amount of fuel that drains when the ship's fuel tank is damaged.
  • Oxygen Refill Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the speed at which your ship's oxygen tank refills when near an oxygen source.
  • Fuel Transfer Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the amount of fuel that is subtracted when refueling your jetpack, and increase the amount of fuel that is added when transferring fuel to the ship.
  • Idle Fuel Consumption Multiplier: Larger numbers increase how quickly your fuel drains over time. If the Engine Switch is enabled, it will not drain fuel while the ship is off.
  • Damage Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the damage done to the ship hull and increase the probability that components will be damaged on impact.
  • Damage Speed Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the speed you need to be traveling at before taking damage. Set this to something really small to blow up your ship when you touch something.
  • Temperature Damage Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the damage done to your ship inside high or low temperature areas.
  • Temperature Resistance Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the time it takes for your ship to start taking damage in high or low temperature areas.
  • Ship Gravity Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the strength of your ship's gravity crystal. Large numbers are advised against, however, as exiting your ship will kill you.
  • Ship Gravity Direction: Lets you change the direction of your ship's gravity. Set this to Random if you feel like the game isn't painful enough.
  • Atmosphere/Space Angular Drag Multiplier: Larger numbers make it harder to turn your ship. Setting this to 0 lets you spin your ship forever.
  • Ship Explosion Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the size of the explosion that is created when your ship blows up. Set this to something between 10 and 30 to simulate an atomic bomb.
  • Reactor Lifetime Multiplier: Larger numbers increase the time it takes for the reactor to blow up when it has been damaged. Set this to something small to give yourself a panic attack every time the master alarm goes off.
  • Ship Bounciness: Larger numbers increase the bounciness of the ship. A value of 0.5 means the ship will retain half of its speed when hitting something, and a value of 2 means the ship will double its speed every time it hits something.
  • Ship Input Latency: This basically simulates internet lag, where larger numbers increase the time it takes for the ship to process your inputs. A value of 1 means it takes 1 second for your "upwards thrust" input to register.

Add Ship Functions

Some new stuff that Slate didn't have time to include in the ship.

  • Oxygen Refill: Refills the ship's oxygen tank when it gets close to trees or enters an oxygen-filled atmosphere.
  • Fuel Transfer: Lets you transfer your jetpack fuel to the ship's fuel tank to refill it.
  • Jetpack Refuel Drain: Drains the ship's fuel reserve when you refuel your jetpack. The amount drained is the same as the amount gained if you transfer your fuel back to the ship, meaning you can't duplicate fuel.
  • Automatic Hatch: Automatically closes the hatch when you leave the ship.
  • Extra Noise: Makes noisy parts of the ship, like the master alarm, alert things that can hear you.
  • Ship Item Placement: Lets you place items inside or on top of your ship.
  • Manual Scout Recall: Brings you back to the days when Little Scouts didn't have warping technology. If you shoot your scout somewhere, you'll have to go over and pick it up to use it again. If you accidentally launch it into deep space, don't worry; the ship can still recall it, and you can go retrieve it from the top of the ship in the scout launcher.
  • Temperature Zones: Implements a temperature mechanic for the unused temperature dial in the ship. High and low temperature zones are added around the solar system that increase or decrease your ship's hull temperature. The longer you allow your hull's temperature to fluctuate, the more likely it is for your ship to take damage.
  • Hull Temperature Damage: Damages your ship over time in extreme temperatures, like near the Sun or on the dark side of the Interloper. Your temperature dial will start flashing if it's hot or cold enough to start taking damage.
  • Component Temperature Damage: Similar to hull temperature damage, but it damages random components instead.
  • Hazardous Thrusters: Makes your ship's thruster flames actually damage you. Good luck finding out how to get near them in the first place.
  • Cockpit Rust Level: Controls how much rust is applied to the ship cockpit. Moving the slider all the way to the right completely covers the cockpit in rust.
  • Dirt Accumulation Time: Larger numbers increase the time (in seconds) it takes for dirt to build up on your cockpit glass, which you can wash off by finding a source of water. Set this to 0 to disable it.
  • Scout Launcher Component: Turns the ship's scout launcher into a fully functioning ship component. If you damage it, you won't be able to launch or recall your scout from the ship until you repair it.
  • Signalscope Component: Turns the ship's signalscope into a fully functioning ship component. If you damage it, you won't be able to receive or broadcast signals from the ship until you repair it.
  • Ship Signal: Adds a signal for the ship on the Deep Space Radio frequency. The signal will stop if the ship's signalscope is damaged.
  • Add Portable Campfire: Adds a portable campfire to the ship next to your suit. Place this anywhere you'd like and roast a marshmallow. Recommended to use with Keep Helmet On so that you don't suffocate yourself.
  • Add Ship Tether: Adds a few hooks to the ship cabin. You can attach these hooks to pretty much any surface- including the ship- and tether yourself to them. If you want to get even crazier, grab a second hook after tethering to one and tether to the new one; it will connect the two hooks together.
  • Gravity Landing Gear: Equips your ship's landing gear with the latest gravity-powered technology, letting you stick to surfaces if your landing gear is intact. You can toggle it on or off with a switch in the cockpit.
  • Thrust Modulator: Adds an interface to the cockpit that lets you lower or disproportionately raise the maximum thrust your ship can use. Stacks with the smooth thrust option from General Enhancements.
  • Persistent Input: Adds a switch to the cockpit that, when enabled, lets you continue your last input when you unbuckle from the ship. Useful when you want to hold forward for 10 minutes and don't feel like actually holding it the entire time.
  • Engine Switch: Controls your ship's power and engine. The switch needs to be on if you want to use your ship. If the Idle Fuel Consumption Multiplier is above 0, it will only consume fuel when the ship is on.


Haven't you ever wished your ship had a little more color?

  • Ship Light Color: Changes the color of the ship's interior and exterior lights from a wide variety of options. Set this to Divine at your own risk, for mere Hearthians were never meant to see creations blessed by a god.
  • Interior/Exterior Hull Color: Select from a variety of colors to change the inside or outside color of your ship. Just don't pick Rainbow.
  • Ship Thruster Flame Color: Changes the color of the ship's thruster flames as well as the color of the thruster indicator inside of the ship.

Quality of Life

These are all enabled by default.

  • Keep Helmet On: When there is no oxygen present, this prevents the game from removing your helmet when doing things such as piloting the ship or roasting a marshmallow at a campfire.
  • Show Warning Notifications: Notifies you in the ship when resources are low or when the outside conditions are becoming dangerous.


In case there are too many settings to deal with, there are some pre-made presets for you to use. The settings can still be meddled with after choosing one.

When you select a preset, you may have to close and reopen the settings menu for the changes to be visible. The mod manager has a few bugs currently.

  • Vanilla Plus - The classic Outer Wilds experience wtih a few quality of life changes.
  • Minimal - What if Slate didn't add all those extra things to your ship? This is that reality.
  • Relaxed - Gives you more resources and less damage.
  • Hardcore - A much more difficult and punishing experience. Resources are lower and damage is permanent.
  • Wanderer - Makes the possibility of getting lost very, very likely. Your ship's lock-on system is broken and you can no longer see the markers for your ship and scout.
  • Pandemonium - I basically just went through and turned everything on.
  • Random - Randomizes all of the options each loop. Preserves the settings you had previously selected so that you can switch back anytime.\


Ship Enhancements adds 8 new achievements to the Achievements+ mod! Use it with Ship Enhancements if you want to create some meaning from the chaos.


  • CreateTemperatureZone() - In case you're a modder and want to add your own high/low temperature zones. Temperature zones can stack, and will just take the sum of the temperatures.
  • GetSettingsProperty() - Returns the value of a config setting as seen from the player. These values only update at the beginning of the loop, so changing the mod settings doesn't affect them.
  • SetSettingsProperty() - Lets you change the value of a config setting in the middle of the loop. Note that this change will be reverted on the next loop.


Currently there is no support for multiplayer (Quantum Space Buddies), but I do plan on adding it in the future. You can still technically do multiplayer with this mod enabled, but things will definitely break.


Thanks to Ditzy and JohnCorby for helping with some of the code, especially the physics stuff.

Big thanks to NineMeowz for helping with most of the ideas and some sound effects.

And thanks to the Outer Wilds Modding Community, this wouldn't have been possible without them.

Ship Enhancements

Adds way too much stuff for the ship in the mod settings.


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