Real Solar System
Adds our solar system to Outer Wilds (check the ship's log)
Outer Wilds Real Solar System
Replaces the solar system in Outer Wilds with ours, including 8 planets, 38 moons, 15 minor bodies, 22 spacecraft, and the 5 nearest star systems with their 4 exoplanets.
Translations for Polish and Russian.
- Trifid - 1.0.0 author/writer.
- xen - Pre-1.0.0 author.
- MegaPiggy - New bodies and texture hunting.
- Greenpixel - Spaceflight music remix.
- Classic - Ship log icons.
- Tlya - Russian translation.
- Titan2076 - Polish translation.
Skybox was created with SpaceEngine ยฉ Cosmographic Software LLC.
Most planet textures used are not ours. Unless stated otherwise, they're derived from NASA or made by Trifid. The other sources are:
- Venus texture/heightmap
- Phobos texture/heightmap
- Deimos texture/heightmap
- Ceres texture
- Vesta texture/heightmap
- Churyumov, Ida, Dactyl, Chariklo textures/heightmaps
- Amalthea texture/heightmap
- Io texture/heightmap
- Europa texture/heightmap
- Ganymede texture/heightmap
- Callisto texture/heightmap
- Prometheus texture/heightmap
- Mimas texture/heightmap
- Enceladus texture/heightmap
- Tethys texture/heightmap
- Telesto texture
- Calypso texture
- Dione texture/heightmap
- Rhea texture/heightmap
- Titan texture
- Iapetus texture/heightmap
- Miranda texture/heightmap
- Ariel texture/heightmap
- Umbriel texture/heightmap
- Titania texture/heightmap
- Oberon texture/heightmap
- Neptune texture
- Proteus texture/heightmap
- Triton texture/heightmap
- Pluto texture/heightmap
- Charon texture/heightmap
- Nix texture/heightmap
- Hydra texture/heightmap
- Haumea texture/heightmap
- Eris, Dysnomia, Orcus, Vanth, Makemake, MK2, Quaoar, Weywot, Sedna textures/heightmaps
- Proxima b, Proxima d (Orcus, Vanth) textures/heightmaps
- Luhman 16 textures
"Teapot." ( by Akulla is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
All other models are from NASA or made by Trifid.
Real Solar System
Adds our solar system to Outer Wilds (check the ship's log)
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