Funny System
Mix of free exploration and story, and may potentially have you laughing your rear off (best used with voice mod). Start the story by exiting the ship and locating the recorder floating on the water.
Mix of exploration and story. May be funny. You can start your journey by exiting your ship and reading the recorder floating on the water.
The game contains five systems, three of which are named after their color. There's Blue, Red, Black and Solare, then finally O.S.M. and P.I.S.I.T.B. Not enough? Here's some screenshots:
Flying away from Wher
Scenic view on Rico
Comet flying by Blue
Vida orbiting RDDDDDDD
Navigating the mazes of Desfiladeiro
Falling into the black hole, with a lava planet to the left
Iceland orbiting Neblina, which is orbiting Solare
Finding the Quantum Lean with a signalscope
Falling into the TT Twins
Funny System
Mix of free exploration and story, and may potentially have you laughing your rear off (best used with voice mod). Start the story by exiting the ship and locating the recorder floating on the water.