Sand Control
Allows the player to set the sand levels on the Hourglass Twins and toggle the funnel.
Sand Control
Gives the player control over the sand on Ash and Ember Twin.
Sand level
You can set the sand level of the twins either in the mod options (value from 0-100) or using Numpad +/-
The mod will log the exact heights of the sand volumes and the time in the loop where this level would occur.
Ash Twin goes from 330m to 76m over the loop, and Ember Twin from 30m to 310m.
Sand funnel
You can enable/disable the sand funnel using the mod options or by pressing 0 on your keyboard.
The funnel will play out its shrinking/growing animation so be patient after toggling for it to actually take effect.
Sand Control
Allows the player to set the sand levels on the Hourglass Twins and toggle the funnel.